The port rotation will start in China and make a stop in South Korea before heading to Latin America.

HMM and Ocean Network Express plan to launch a service lane connecting Asia to Mexico starting Aug. 16, according to a July 15 press release.

The Far East-Latin America Express route, or FLX, has a round-trip duration of 42 days, starting in Shanghai, China, before stopping in Busan, South Korea, on its way to Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico.​​​​​

The FLX service will integrate with HMM’s existing New West Latin America services, which is the ocean carrier’s network connecting Asia and South America.

Other ocean carriers have added new services or facilities to service growing trade in Mexico.

Zim and CMA CGM with the Port of Brunswick announced a short sea service from Georgia to Mexico. Both services were advertised in November 2023 as an option for automotive makers wanting to reach manufacturing sites across the border. Maersk also opened a warehouse in Tijuana, Mexico, as a result of seeing increased growth and demand for cross-border services.

Editor’s note: This story was first published in our Logistics Weekly newsletter. Sign up here.

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